Another Tony Allesi DRAGON Ready to work on? Well maybe not, Ross chipperfield suggest that it may be something else, note the different Steering Hoop, Pedals, and Engine mount? the different rear seat rail shape? Maybe a TIAPAN? anybody else can throw some light onto it please?

Is that a VICTA? perhaps a HURRICANE?

Ross C did his homework, and THIS IS A TIAPAN!

Compare with the Blue one, Now which one is which????? and THIS IS A DRAGON! read the story below.

Interesting FUEL TANK?

Underneath looks real clean, Not much usage?

Another McCullock to be worked on.

I hope to have the ARDILL Ready for Lithgow.

This is just a "Dry Run" to make sure we have all the Bits! Note the LeHane Braking system! Tom Hearn is rebinding the origonal steering wheel, Colour? Will have to be BLACK.

This DRAGON / TIAPAN thing is getting interesting!!

Well Com'on Guys, Dragon? or Tiapan?

Well, maybe the mystery is over, Ross C Contacted the Alessi Family and confirmed that they never made a DRAGON with a "Three Bend Steering Hoop" so there you go hope that solves the mystery however we will take any other discussion on the subject????

It has taken Phil PARKINSON 5 years to complete the restoration of his beloved ANS/McCullock combination

And it was 35 years ago when Phil last drove it at LITHGOW.

It wioll return to LITHGOW on the 1st May for its inaugral run as a Vintage Kart.

Rod WILLIAMS has the Deavison (1978) / Siro (ST50) Combination under way

Note the bar accross the rear "hangers" that was a real feature of British Karts of the time I think, I had a series of BLOW karts and they had a similar arrangement, I will see if I can find some photos!

SIRO ST50 / IBEA Slide block, this thing will be a weapon???

Tom MANLEY found this ZIP SHADOW in reasonable condition

Another Free Second Hand Vintage Spark Plug for the Answer????

Geez! the wife hardly had time to get the washing off the line!!!!!

We really do have to try and get all this gear together in the one place next year???